
E x h i b i t i o n s


Sophie Maree Gallery en Atelier aan de Haven organised an exhibition together with the title 'Leve de Koning' ('Long live the King'). It's an exhibition with different artists from different disciplines who made a portret of our King Willem-Alexander. My work has been selected too. The portrets are being exhibited on two locations between: saturday 16th of November 2013 and sunday 1st of December 2013.

Adress Sophie Maree Gallery: Hellingweg 96d, 2583 WH DEN HAAG open: vr-za-zo 12-18.00 u., Adress Atelier aan de Haven: Hellingweg 98c 2583 WH DEN HAAG.




Just like last year I joined the exhibition 'Tableau'. This time the exhibition took place between the 11th of May and the 2nd of June 2013 in the Haagse Kunstkring. Members of the department Letteren, Theater en Film, were asked to chose a work at the exhibition to write a poem about. One of my works, '11 landscapes', was chosen bij Prof. Liba. All the poems are collected in a small book with pictures of the pieces that inspired the writers (ISBN: 978-90-814510-3-1). Another work of mine that joined the exhibition was 'Terra'.




‘Artistieke Vriendschap’ (Artistic Friendship) is a co-operation between artists from the Haagse Kunstkring and BaZtille Ateliers in Zoetermeer. A co-operation between artists from different disciplines, like painters, writers, architects, etc.

The opening will be on the 21st of August at 16.00 h. 2010 in BaZtille Ateliers, Zoetermeer and on 22nd of August at 15.00 h. 2010 in de Haagse Kunstkring, Den Haag. The exhibition ends on September 4 in the Haagse Kunstkring and on September 5 in BaZtille.

Locations: Haagse Kunstkring, Denneweg 64, Den Haag; BaZtille, Rokkeveenseweg 46c, Zoetermeer




From saturday 12 september until 6 oktober 2009 the exhibition 'De Keuze Van...' (The Choice Of) will be opened at 17.00 h. A choice of the works of members of the Haagse Kunstkring. It's a selection made by art-crtitic Philip Peters, the artist Ton van Kints and the art-collectors Jeldrik en Loeke Oorthuijs. Some of my recent works will be exhibited together with some older ones (2005).

De Haagse Kunstkring, Denneweg 64, 2514 CJ Den Haag




From 27th of Juni until the 21st of Juli 2009 the yearly members exhibition Tableau will be held in the Haagse Kunstkring in Den Haag (Holland). The exhibition will be opened on Saturday the 27th of june at 17.00 h. Two works of mine will take part in this group-exhibition: Playing War (2008) and untitled (King of Pain) (2008). On Sunday the 19th of Juli from 16.00 h. the exhibition will be closed.

De Haagse Kunstkring, Denneweg 64, 2514 CJ Den Haag, Holland




De Jaren '00, Galerie Vonkel, group exhibition Den Haag 2008

Vingeroefeningen, Haagse Kunstkring, group exhibition Den Haag 2008

Ernst & Young, group exhibition Den Haag 2008

Artxpose, Vinolybuilding Zuidas, group exhibition Amsterdam 2007

People: Handle With Care, Galerie Toon je Kunst, group exhibition Den Haag 2007

Dutch!, Galerie Vonkel, group exhibition Den Haag 2007

Tableau, Galerie Haagse Kunstkring, group exhibition Den Haag 2007

Kern, solo exhibition Galerie Vonkel 2007